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Published on: 04-Aug-2023

The Covid-19 pandemic might seem like yesterday’s news, but many of the deep societal changes it triggered remain with us. One of these is the increase in the use of touchless technologies.

The switch to touchless technologies was already on the horizon, driven by the convenience and simplicity they offer. However, the pandemic accelerated this shift, turning a gradual trend into an urgent necessity. In the fitness industry, gyms have been pioneers in this transformation. Health-conscious members sought safer fitness routines. Gyms responded by embracing touchless technologies as a long-term strategy to enhance the workout experience.

Let’s look at some of the details of how gyms are embracing touchless technology.

The Rise and Implementation of Touchless Technology in Gyms

When it came to Covid-19 transmission risks, gyms were a perfect storm. The mix of shared equipment, close quarters, and the inevitable sweat made them potential hotspots for the virus. However, the fitness industry was quick to adapt, turning to touchless technology as a key part of the solution. Uptake of the technology was rapid and widespread with gyms rushing to embrace it in as many aspects of the gym experience as possible. From entry to exit, touchless technology has been integrated into the entirety of the gym and health center experience.

Here are a few of the main ways gyms are embracing touchless technologies. 

Touchless Check-ins: Many gyms have implemented touchless check-in systems that allow members to enter the gym using their smartphones or wearable devices. This eliminates the need for physical membership cards and reduces contact at the reception desk.

Touchless Lockers: These lockers can be opened and secured using a mobile app or a unique code, eliminating the need for physical keys or touchpads.

Contactless Equipment Adjustment: Some high-tech gym equipment now allows users to adjust settings such as resistance or speed using their smartphones, reducing the need for physical contact with shared surfaces.

Virtual Fitness Classes: Many gyms offer virtual classes that members can join from home, reducing the need for in-person attendance.

Touchless Sanitation Stations: These stations provide hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes without the need for physical contact, helping members keep their hands clean during their workouts.

Smart Security Cameras: Specialty security cameras provide comprehensive surveillance of the gym space, enhancing safety and security. They allow gym staff to monitor the space effectively without being physically present at all times. 

The overall effect of integrating these technologies does not only create a healthier gym environment, it also makes the whole gym experience more streamlined and, importantly, user-friendly. Additionally, it can also be a simple way to keep yourself motivated to exercise each day.

Benefits of Touchless Technology in Gyms

While the initial rush to integrate touchless technologies into gyms was because of necessity, there is no doubt that the multitude of benefits the technology introduced struck the right chord with gym users. Since Covid eased, the potential of touchless technology has been fully realized, transforming the gym experience in ways that extend far beyond hygiene and safety. The benefits of introducing these technologies into gyms are multifold and too numerous to completely list, but some of the major ones include:

Increased Hygiene and Safety: Touchless technologies minimize contact with shared surfaces, reducing the risk of germ transmission. This is particularly important in a gym setting where equipment is frequently used by multiple people.

Efficiency and Convenience: Features like touchless check-ins and lockers, and contactless equipment adjustments, streamline the gym experience, saving members time and making their workouts more efficient.

Flexibility: Virtual classes allow members to participate in their favorite workouts from the comfort of their homes, offering a flexible alternative to in-person classes.

Enhanced Security: Technologies like smart security cameras provide comprehensive surveillance of the gym space, enhancing safety and giving members peace of mind while they work out.

Personalization: Some touchless technologies allow for personalized settings on gym equipment, enhancing the workout experience for each member.

Of course, technology is always an onward march and touchless technology will continue to improve and evolve.

The Future of Touchless Technology in the Gym

The rapid pace of technological advancement means trying to predict the future is difficult. But let’s get the crystal ball out and give it a shot. Here are five ways that we can expect touchless technology in gyms to evolve:

AI and Machine Learning: Personalized workout recommendations based on analysis of member’s data.

Wearable Technology: Wearable tech and its performance impact isn’t new. But we can expect enhanced integration with the gym experience for check-ins, equipment adjustment, and workout tracking.

Virtual Reality: Immersive home workout experiences through virtual fitness classes.

Advanced Sanitation Technologies: Introduction of UV sanitization and air purification systems for enhanced hygiene.

Smart Equipment: Machines that auto-adjust to the user’s body and fitness level, providing real-time feedback on form and technique. The component technologies are already in place for these to happen and the success of existing touchless technology will act as a driver to ensure that many of these will happen sooner rather than later.

Touchless Technology: Enhancing the Health Benefits of Gyms

As we look to the future, it’s clear that touchless technology will continue to shape the gym experience. It offers enhanced safety, efficiency, and personalization, meeting the evolving needs of health-conscious gym-goers. Embracing this technology is not just a trend, but a transformative shift in the fitness industry.  

The post How Gyms Are Embracing Touchless Technology for Health-Conscious Members appeared first on Sports Medicine Weekly By Dr. Brian Cole.