Dr. Cole’s Publications & Knee Articles
- ACL reconstruction using biointegrative mineral fiber reinforced screws (2024)
- ACL Graft Selection (2008)
- ACL Reconstruction Among NBA Team Physicians (2014)
- ACL Reconstruction and Concurrent Meniscal Repair (2008)
- ACL Reconstruction Practice Patterns by NFL and NCAA Team Physicians (2014)
- ACL Reconstruction with Concomitant Cartilage Damage (2012)
- Allograft ACL Irradiation – Animal Model (2012)
- Allograft vs Autograft Failure Rate in ACL Reconstruction (2015)
- Anatomic Graft Placement During ACL Reconstruction (2011)
- Bioabsorbable vs Metallic Screws in ACL Reconstruction (2014)
- Closure of Patellar Tendon Defect in ACL Reconstruction with BTB Autograft (2015)
- Combined ACL Reconstruction and Medial Meniscal Transplantation Indications and Outcomes (2023)
- Double vs Single-bundle Techniques for ACL Reconstruction (2015)
- Hamstring Autograft vs Soft-Tissue Allograft in ACL Reconstruction (2014)
- Orthopedic Practice Patterns in the Treatment of Elite Athletes (2015)
- Patellar Tendon Harvest Complications During ACL Reconstruction (2008)
- Principles of ACL Graft Tensioning During Reconstruction (2012)
- Research on Drill Guides for ACL Reconstruction (2017)
- Systematic Review of ACL Drilling Techniques (2013)
- Tibial Tunnel Diameter in ACL Reconstruction (2014)
- Trends in ACL Reconstruction (2014)
- Tunnel Positioning in ACL Reconstruction (2013)
- Outcomes After ACL Reconstruction Using Cortical Button vs Transfemoral Suspensory Fixation (2014)
- ACL Revision Surgery Epidemiology (2010)
- Analysis of Revision ACL Reconstruction (2013)
- An Institution Specific Analysis of ACL Reconstruction Failure (2012)
- Decision-making and Techniques for Revision ACL Surgery
- Knee Hyperextension Helps Predict ACL Revision Failures (2018)
- Meniscal and Cartilage Predictors of Outcome After Revision ACL Reconstruction (2023)
- Meniscus and Articular Cartilage as Predictors for Outcomes in Revision ACL (2016)
- Predictors of Outcome after Revision ACL Reconstruction (2019)
- Predictors of Outcome of Revision ACL Reconstruction (2017)
- Radiographic Analysis of Revision ACL Reconstruction (2013)
- Relationship Between Sports Activity and Outcome After Revision ACL Reconstruction (2019)
- Return to Activity After ACL Revision Surgery (2022)
- Risk Factors for Cartilage Damage Progression Between Primary and Revision ACL Reconstruction (2018)
- Risk Factors for Surgery after Revision ACL Reconstruction (2017)
- Surgical Treatment of the Failed ACL (2010)
- Two-Stage Revision ACL Reconstruction Indications and Outcomes (2023)
- What Factors Influence Outcome of Revision ACL Reconstruction (2019)
- ACL Prevention Program: Knees for Life
- Patient Management Following ACL Reconstruction (2008)
- Quality and Variability of Online PT Protocols Following ACL Reconstruction (2016)
- Rehab of Patellar Tendon Autograft and Allograft Patients (2008)
- Rehabilitation Predictors of Outcome Following Revision ACL Reconstruction (2019)
- Rehabilitation, Recovery, and Return to Sport: Hamstring activity after ACL injury (2016)
- Return to Activity After ACL Revision Surgery (2022)
- Return to Sport and Functional Assessment after ACL Surgery (2015)
- Return to Sport following ACL Reconstruction (2015)
- Return to Sport Guidelines after ACL Reconstruction – A Systematic Review (2014)
- What Criteria Do You Use to Return an Athlete to Sport? (2008)
- ACL Reconstruction with Bone-Tendon-Bone Allograft Improved with BMAC Injection (2022)
- Chondrolysis after ACL Reconstruction: A Case Report (2010)
- Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Early Reconstruction vs Rehabilitation and Delayed Reconstruction for ACL Tears (2014)
- Factors that Predict who will Complete Treatment Outcome Questionnaires (2018)
- Impact of Patient Education and Understanding on Satisfaction with ACL Outcomes (2017)
- Long-Term Results of ACL Reconstruction (2014)
- Outcomes after ACL Reconstruction in Major League Soccer Players (2013)
- Outcomes after ACL Reconstruction in MLS Players (2015)
- Outcomes after ACL Reconstruction in NBA Players (2013)
- Outcomes after ACL Reconstruction in NFL Quarterbacks (2014)
- Outcomes after ACL Reconstruction in NHL Players (2014)
- Outcomes of ACL reconstruction in patients over 40 (2016)
- Return to Sport in NFL Lineman Following ACL Reconstruction (2017)
- Risk Factors for Complications in ACL Surgery (2016)
- Surgeon Reliability in Determining Cause of ACL Reconstruction Failure (2015)
- The relationship between opiod use and outcomes following ACL reconstruction (2020)
- Variability in the Reporting of ACL Outcomes (2015)
- Articular Cartilage Debridement Results in Short-Term Significant Improvements in Patient-Reported Outcomes for Large Areas of Cartilage Loss of the Femur in the Setting of Mild to Moderate Knee Osteoarthritis (2024)
- The Gut Microbiome and Joint Microbiome Show Alterations in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis Versus Controls: A Systematic Review (2024)
- Arthroscopic Debridement of Mild and Moderate Knee Osteoarthritis Results in Clinical Improvement at Short-Term Follow-Up: A Systematic Review (2024)
- Biological Knee Reconstruction for Combined Malalignment, Meniscal Deficiency, and Articular Cartilage Disease (2014)
- Malalignment and Its Role in Cartilage Restoration (2016)
- Management of Active Patients with Arthritis (1999)
- MAT, Cartilage Repair and Osteotomy for Unicompartmental Arthritis(2009)
- Neuromodulation Pain Therapy Device (Deepwave) for Arthritis (2007)
- Non-Arthroplasty Treatment of Osteoarthritis (2014)
- Osteoarthritis Classification Scales: Reliability and Arthroscopic Correlation (2014)
- Orthobiologics for Osteoarthritis (2018)
- Outcomes of Cartilage Repair With or Without Meniscal Transplantation and Osteotomy (2014)
- PRP for Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis (2020)
- Results of Knee Replacement after Cartilage Restoration (2016)
- Steroid Injections in Clinical Practice (2005)
- The Therapeutic Effect of Saline Injections for Osteoarthritis (2016)
- Use of Biologics for Osteoarthritis (2020)
- Use of PRP in Osteoarthritis (2018)
- Viscosupplementation (2000)
- ACL Reconstruction with Bone-Tendon-Bone Allografts Improved with BMAC Injection (2022)
- Anti-inflammatory and Matrix Restorative Mechanisms of PRP in Osteoarthritis: Response to Andia and Maffulli (2014)
- Anti-inflammatory and Matrix Restorative Mechanisms of PRP in Osteoarthritis: Response to Patel and Dhillon (2014)
- Biologic Cell Therapies (2019)
- Biologic Research Impacting Patient Care (2023)
- Bone Marrow Aspirate and Its Use on Enhancing Allograft Integration (2017)
- Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate Harvest Technique for the Sports Medicine Surgeon (2024)
- Cartilage Restoration: Allogeneic Cartilage, PRP, and Autologous Cartilage Sealed with Activated Autologous Serum (2020)
- Coding and Reimbursement Issues for PRP (2011)
- Consensus Statement on the Use of OrthoBiologics (2019)
- Considerations for the Use of PRP in Orthopedics (2014)
- Cord Blood–Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Implantation for Cartilage Defects (2021)
- Dr. Cole’s presentation on the use of injections to manage osteoarthritis (2018)
- Editorial Commentary on Orthobiologic Use During Cartilage Restoration (2020)
- Effect of Leukocyte Concentration in PRP for OA Treatment (2016)
- Effects of PRP on Cartilage (2011)
- Emerging Biologics in Orthopedics Editorial (2015)
- Emerging Technologies in Cartilage Restoration (2018)
- Evidence Based Recommendations for PRP Use (2018)
- Growth Factors & Bone Repair (1999)
- HA vs PRP in the Management of Knee OA (2016)
- Improving Injection Accuracy of the Shoulder, Elbow and Knee (2011)
- Injection Options for Knee Osteoarthritis (2018)
- Nonoperative and Operative Soft-Tissue and Cartilage Regeneration and Orthopaedic Biologics of the Knee: An Orthoregeneration Network (ON) Foundation Review (2021)
- Novel Injection Therapy for Advanced Osteoarthritis of the Knee (2017)
- Orthobiologics for Cartilage Defects of the Knee (2019)
- Orthobiologics for Osteoarthritis (2018)
- Overview of Amniotic Tissue in Regenerative Medicine (2016)
- Overview of PRP in Orthopedics (2017)
- Podcast on the role of PRP and HA in the treatment of osteoarthritis (2016)
- Pirfenidone Reduces Subchondral Bone Loss and Fibrosis after Mouse Cartilage Injury (2017)
- PRP and Cartilage Repair (2013)
- PRP and Cartilage: Review of Basic Science (2013)
- PRP and Growth Factor and Cellular Composition (2011)
- PRP for Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis (2020)
- PRP in Cartilage Repair and Arthritis (2015)
- PRP: What It Is and What It Does (2012)
- PRP: Where Are We Now and Where are We Going? (2010)
- Regenerative Potential of MSCs for Treatment of Knee OA and Chondral Defects (2020)
- Response of Cartilage Cells to Growth Factors (2008)
- Rogue Stem Cell Clinics (2020)
- Role of Growth Factors in Cartilage Repair (2011)
- Role of PRP in Articular Cartilage Injury and Disease (2014)
- Role of PRP in Osteoarthritis (2014)
- Role of Stem Cells in Osteoarthritis (2014)
- Safety and Efficacy of Postoperative Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs in Sports Medicine (2022)
- The 2020 NBA Orthobiologics Consensus Statement (2021)
- The Effects of Knee Position on XR Findings and Response to Biologic Treatment (2017)
- The Role of Orthobiologics in the Management of Cartilage and Meniscal Injuries in Sports (2020)
- The Role of Orthobiologics in the Management of Ligament and Muscle Injuries in Sports (2020)
- The Role of Orthobiologics in the Management of Tendon and Fascia Injuries in Sports (2020)
- The Role of Platelet Rich Plasma in the Treatment of Cartilage Disease (2019)
- The Use of PRP and Hyaluronic Acid for Osteoarthritis (2020)
- The Utility of Biologics and Cartilage Transplantation Techniques (2018)
- Treatment of OCD with Subchondral Injection of Calcium Phosphate (2013)
- Use of Biologics for Osteoarthritis (2020)
- Use of Corticosteroids after Knee Arthroscopy: Randomized Controlled Trial (2009)
- Use of HA and PRP for Arthritis: Letter to the Editor (2013)
- Use of PRP in Osteoarthritis (2018)
- Osteochondral autograft and allograft for knee cartilage injuries—an international Delphi consensus statement (2024)
- A Treatment Approach for Articular Cartilage Defects (2016)
- ACI vs OCA in the Setting of Previous Marrow Stimulating Surgery (2020)
- Arthroscopic Debridement for Articular Cartilage Disease of the Knee (2006)
- Articular Cartilage Injuries of the Knee: Patient Health Literacy, Expectations for Management, and Clinical Outcomes (2021)
- Bipolar Cartilage Lesions in the Knee (2019)
- Cartilage Injury – Evaluation and Treatment Options (2002)
- Cartilage Injury – Picture Atlas of Treatment Options (2001)
- Cartilage Injury – Treatment Algorithm (2001)
- Cartilage Injury and Management: Just the Facts (2004)
- Cartilage Injury of the Knee: A Contemporary View of Cartilage Restoration (2000)
- Cartilage Repair Roundtable (2008)
- Cartilage Restoration Overview of Treatment Options (2004)
- Cartilage Restoration Part 1: Basic Science, Diagnosis, and Treatment (2005)
- Cartilage Restoration Part 2: Techniques, Outcomes, and Future Directions (2005)
- Case Report: 37 Year-Old with Recurrent Knee Pain (1999)
- Comparisons of Biologic versus Metallic Resurfacing of Cartilage Defects (2016)
- Complex Cartilage Cases in the Athletic Patient (2013)
- Debridement and Radiofrequency Ablation for Chondral Defects (2008)
- Deciding How Best to Treat Cartilage Defects (2016)
- Defining Failure in Cartilage Surgery (2019)
- Economic Overview of Cartilage Repair (2007)
- Editorial: The “Holy Grail” of Cartilage Repair (2016)
- Emerging Technologies in Cartilage Restoration (2019)
- Focal Chondral Injuries (2020)
- Four Most Common Forms of Cartilage Problems (2017)
- Impeding Innovation in Cartilage Repair (2016)
- Knee Cartilage: Diagnosis and Decision Making (2004)
- Management of Failed Cartilage Repair (2011)
- Management of Knee Cartilage Injuries in Basketball (2020)
- Managing the Patient with Failed Cartilage Restoration (2013)
- Overview and Indications for Articular Cartilage Restoration (2010)
- Overview of Articular Cartilage Injury (2006)
- Overview of Cartilage Injury and Treatment (2010)
- Overview of Cartilage Treatment Options (2012)
- Overview of Existing Cartilage Repair Technology (2008)
- Overview of the Restoration of Articular Cartilage (2014)
- Patient Evaluation & Surgical Decision Making for Articular Cartilage Lesions (2004)
- Patients Expectations with Cartilage Repair (2016)
- Patient Reported Outcomes After Cartilage Repair (2020)
- Preserving Articular Cartilage (2018)
- Review of Articular Cartilage Procedures (2015)
- Surgical Management of Articular Cartilage Defects of the Knee (2009)
- Staging and Complex Decision-Making in Cartilage Repair (2018)
- The Future of Cartilage Repair: Cartilage Repair Roundtable (2008)
- The Utility of Biologics and Cartilage Transplantation Techniques (2018)
- Tibial Cartilage Defects (2019)
- Topographic Analysis for Matching of Osteochondral Defects (2015)
- Treatment Options for Articular Cartilage Defects of the Knee (2005)
- Trends and Complications in Cartilage Repair (2019)
- Trends in the Surgical Treatment of Articular Cartilage Lesion (2014)
- Update on Cartilage Restoration (2003)
- What’s New in Cartilage Treatment? (2006)
- Basic Science and Surgical Treatment for Articular Cartilage Injuries (2012)
- Basic Science and Treatment of Cartilage Problems (2006)
- Effects of Lavage Fluid Temperature on Articular Cartilage (2002)
- Pirfenidone Reduces Subchondral Bone Loss and Fibrosis after Mouse Cartilage Injury (2018)
- The Effects of Cartilage Defect Wall Configuration (2018)
- The Use of Heat on Cartilage: Assessment of Cell Viability (2001)
- The Use of Heat on Cartilage: Effect of Treatment Time (2002)
Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation (ACI)
- ACI after Failed Initial Treatment – STAR Clinical Trial (2008)
- ACI an Overview of Technique and Outcomes (2011)
- ACI for Patients who Failed Initial Treatment (2007)
- ACI for the Treatment of Osteochondritis Dissecans (2012)
- ACI of the Femoral Condyle Surgical Techniques (2008)
- ACI Overview (2001)
- ACI Surgical Techniques (2006)
- Case Report: Single-Stage ACI and Lateral Meniscus Allograft Reconstruction (2000)
- Current Status of ACI (2002)
- Introduction to ACI (2004)
- Letter to the Editor: ACI versus Microfracture (2008)
- Results of ACI in Adolescents (2016)
- ACI of the Patellofemoral Joint: Outcomes (2009)
- New Membrane Used With ACI Results in Lower Adverse Event Rate (2009)
- Outcomes of ACI in a Diverse Patient Population (2009)
- Rehabilitation after ACI in athletes (2010)
- Rate of Conversion to ACI/MACI After a Biopsy (2023)
- Surgeries after Cartilage Repair (2018)
- Using MRI to Monitor Healing After Cartilage Repair Surgery (2018)
- Augmented Marrow Stimulation Techniques (2022)
- Basic Biology of Microfracture Surgery (2012)
- Biologic Augmentation of Microfracture (2010)
- Management of Failed Microfracture Treatment (2017)
- Microfracture Adjuncts to Improve Outcomes (2018)
- Microfracture: Dead or the Future? (2014)
- Microfracture Editorial (2010)
- Microfracture Technique (2004)
- Microfracture Treatment of Cartilage Injury (2002)
- Randomized Controlled Trial: ACI vs Microfracture (2008)
- Results of Microfracture in the NBA (2013)
- Return to Sport following Microfracture Surgery (2010)
Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation
Overview and Technique
- Osteochondral Allograft (OCA) Transplantation with Concomitant Meniscus Allograft Transplantation (MAT) Improves Clinical Outcomes and Yields High Patient Satisfaction: A Systematic Review (2025)
- Revision and Primary Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation Provide Similar Improvement in Patient-Reported Outcome Measures and an Acceptable Survivorship, but Reoperation Rates Remain High (2025)
- Metrics of OsteoChondral Allografts (MOCA) Group Consensus Statements on the Use of Viable Osteochondral Allograft (2024)
- Donor Sites Used to Treat Oblong Cartilage Lesions with Osteochondral Allografts (2020)
- Fresh Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation (2002)
- Implantation of Fresh Osteochondral Allografts of the Knee (2006)
- Matching Osteochondral Allografts from Different Parts of the Knee (2019)
- Osteochondral Allografts for Large Knee Defects (2006)
- Osteochondral Allografts: Pearls to Maximize Biologic Healing and Success (2023)
- Osteochondral Allograft Surgical Technique and Outcomes (2010)
- Osteochondral Allograft Technique (2016)
- Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation Chapter (2015)
- Osteochondral Grafting Indications, Techniques and Outcomes (2010)
- Outcomes Following Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation: Minimum 5-Year Follow-Up (2021)
- Outcomes of Patellofemoral Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation (2021)
- Overview of Fresh Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation (2015)
- Return to Sports After High Tibial Osteotomy With Concomitant Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation (2020)
- Salvage of Contaminated Osteochondral Allograft (2014)
- Treatment of OCD with Osteochondral Allografts (2018)
Basic Science
- Basic Science Investigation to Optimize Allograft Insertion and Biology (2018)
- Effects of Load on Impacting Osteochondral Grafts (2007)
- Improving Osteochondral Allograft Surgery with Lavage (2017)
- Overlapping Allografts: Computer Simulated Model (2020)
- Preservation of Osteochondral Allografts: Animal Study (2004)
- The Effect of Surgical Insertion and Proinflammatory Cytokines on Osteochondral Allograft Survival and Metabolism (2017)
- Reversal of Suppressed Metabolism in Cold-Preserved Cartilage (2007)
- Clinical Outcomes after Multiple Osteochondral Allografts (2018)
- Mid-Term Follow-up following Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation (2017)
- Osteochondral Allografts in Competitive Athletes (2017)
- Outcomes after Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation (2019)
- Outcomes of Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation based upon Age and Sex (2017)
- Outcomes of Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation of the Femoral Condyle (2007)
- Review of Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation Outcomes (2013)
- Patient Reported Outcomes Following Meniscectomy (2020)
- The Outcomes of the Treatment of OCD with Osteochondral Allografts (2018)
- Using Multiple Osteochondral Allografts and a Tibial Tubercle Osteotomy for Chondral Disease (2017)
- Outcomes of Ostechondral Allograft Transplantation and Meniscus Transplantation (2018)
Osteochondral Autograft Transplantation
- In Vitro Effects of Graft Impaction (2010)
- Osteochondral Autograft Donor Site Study (2004)
- Osteochondral Autograft Technique (2016)
- Osteochondral Autograft Transplantation Overview (2006)
- Osteochondral Grafting Indications, Techniques and Outcomes (2018)
- The Effect of Impaction Sequence on Osteochondral Graft Damage (2009)
Minced Cartilage
- Autologous Fibrin Sealants Have Comparable Graft Fixation to an Allogeneic Sealant in a Biomechanical Cadaveric Model of Chondral Defect Repair (2022)
- Autologous Minced Cartilage Implantation for Treatment of Chondral and Osteochondral Lesions in the Knee Joint: An Overview (2020)
- DeNovo Cartilage Review (2016)
- DeNovo ET (Engineered Tissue) Investigational Animal Study (2009)
- Effect of Mechanical Mincing on Minimally Manipulated Articular Cartilage for Surgical Transplantation (2022)
- Minced Articular Cartilage for Cartilage Transplantation (2006)
- Minced Articular Cartilage Overview (2008)
- New Single-Stage Cartilage Transplant Technique: Minced Cartilage (2011)
- Nontraditional Methods of Cartilage Transplantation (2012)
- Novel Techniques in Cartilage Repair (2015)
- Outcomes of Minced Cartilage (2014)
- Particulated articular cartilage: CAIS and DeNovo NT (2012)
- Particulated Cartilage Overview (2015)
- Analysis of Biocartilage Stability in the Knee (2019)
- BioCartilage Adjunct to Microfracture (2007)
- BioCartilage Background and Surgical Technique (2013)
- Enhanced Marrow Stimulation Techniques (2015)
- Novel Techniques in Cartilage Repair (2015)
- Outcomes of BioCartilage in an Animal Model (2016)
- Update on BioCartilage (2015)
- Development of a Cartilage Study Outcome Assessment Tool (2014)
- Methodological Quality of Knee Articular Cartilage Studies (2013)
- Outcomes Following Cartilage Repair (2011)
- Outcomes in Patients with Cartilage Defects (2009)
- Patient Understanding of their Anticipated Outcomes following Articular Cartilage Injury and Treatment (2019)
- Single Stage Autologous Cartilage Repair Results in Positive Patient Reported Outcomes for Chondral Lesions of the Knee: A Systematic Review
- Validation of Outcome Scales Used for Cartilage Repair (2012)
- Variability of Cartilage Outcomes Reporting (2016)
- Acute Meniscal Tears vs. Degenerative Meniscal Tears (2019)
- Cost-effectiveness Analysis of the Diagnosis of Meniscus Tears (2015)
- Meniscus Injuries (1999)
- Meniscus Repair and Transplantation Overview (2015)
- Operative vs Non-operative Treatment of Meniscus Tears (2012)
- Patient Reported Outcomes Following Meniscectomy (2020)
- Reliability of the ISAKOS Classification of Meniscus Tears (2011)
- Sterilized Meniscal Allografts in Sheep (2008)
- Understanding Meniscal Extrusion (2022)
- Allograft Meniscus Transplantation (2012)
- Combined ACL Reconstruction and Medial Meniscal Transplantation Indications and Outcomes (2023)
- Comparison of Meniscal Extrusion Following Medial MAT with and without Meniscotibial Ligament Reconstruction (2022)
- Evaluation and Treatment of the Meniscus Deficient Knee (2015)
- Indications and Techniques for MAT (2005)
- International Consensus Statement on Meniscus Transplantation (2016)
- Letter to the Editor on Immediate versus Delayed Meniscus Allograft Transplantation (2015)
- MAT: Patient Selection (2007)
- MAT: Preoperative Assessment, Surgical Considerations and Clinical Outcomes (2014)
- Meniscal Allograft Transplantation: Indications, Techniques, Outcomes (2020)
- Meniscal Sizing by Height, Weight and Gender (2009)
- Meniscus Transplants and ACL Reconstruction (2016)
- Meniscus Transplantation (2021)
- Meniscus Transplants: A Promising New Therapy (Interview with Dr. Cole) (2000)
- Meniscal Transplants: Pearls and Pitfalls (Interview with Dr. Cole) (2014)
- Meniscus Transplant Overview (2015)
- Overview of MAT (2006)
- Overview of MAT (2008)
- Overview of MAT (2010)
- Podcast on the effects of bone marrow edema on the outcomes of meniscus transplantation (2018)
- Return to Work after Arthroscopic MAT (2020)
- Review of MAT: Bridge in Slot Technique and Outcomes (2021)
- Trends in Meniscus Transplantation and Repair (2015)
- Animal Model Investigating the Use of Sterile Meniscus Allograft Tissue (2009)
- Arthroscopic MAT: Bridge in Slot Technique (2004)
- Effects of Medial Meniscal Transplant on Intra-Articular Contact Pressures (2008)
- Effects of Refreezing Meniscus Allograft Transplants (2007)
- Fixation Technique for Meniscus Transplantation (2004)
- MAT Bone Plug Technique (2003)
- MAT Bridge in Slot Technique (2007)
- Chondral Disease Following Lateral Meniscectomy (2005)
- Clinical Outcomes of Revision MAT: Minimum 2-Year Follow-up (2014)
- Clinically Significant Outcomes After Meniscectomy (2019)
- Combined Meniscus and Femoral Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation (2014)
- Comparison of Collagen Meniscal Implant and Partial Meniscectomy (2008)
- Correlation Between Articular Cartilage Status on Outcomes and Survivorship Following Meniscal Allograft Transplantation: A Systematic Review (2024)
- Do Outcomes of Meniscal Allograft Transplantation Differ Based On Age and Sex? A Comparative Group Analysis (2022)
- Dr. Cole Comments on Early Versus Delayed Meniscus Transplantation (2015)
- Effect of Concomitant Cartilage Defects Identified at the time of Meniscus Transplantation (2018)
- Effect of Meniscus Transplant Shrinkage on Outcomes [editorial commentary] (2019)
- Effect of MRI findings on the Outcomes of Meniscus Transplantation (2018)
- Long-Term Outcomes of MAT: Minimum 7-Year Follow-Up (2012)
- MAT: Background, Indications, Techniques and Outcomes (2006)
- MAT in Patients under 50 Years Old (2005)
- MAT Long-Term Survivorship and Reoperation Rates (2014)
- MAT: Preoperative Assessment, Surgical Considerations and Clinical Outcomes (2014)
- Meniscus Transplantation Outcomes in Adolescents (2016)
- Outcomes of Concurrent MAT and Articular Cartilage Repair (2008)
- Outcomes of MAT: Minimum 2-Year Follow-Up (2006)
- Outcomes of Operative versus Non-Operative Treatment of Meniscus Tears and Arthritis (2015)
- Patient-Specific Variables Associated with Failure to Achieve Clinically Significant Outcomes After Meniscal Allograft Transplantation (2023)
- Return to Sport after MAT (2013)
- Return to Sport and Work after Concurrent MAT with High Tibial Osteotomy (2019)
- Time to Clinically Significant Outcomes After MAT (2022)
- Arthroscopic partial meniscectomy for degenerative meniscal tear (2014)
- Biomechanical Effects of Meniscectomy (2006)
- Meniscal Extrusion Consensus Statement (2024)
- Outcomes After Treatment of Meniscal Tear with Osteoarthritis (2022)
- Surgery versus Physical Therapy for Arthritis and Meniscus Tears (2013)
- Trends in the Treatment of Meniscus Tears in the U.S. (2013)
- Distal Femoral Osteotomy (2016)
- Factors Affecting Osteotomy Complications (2018)
- Lateral Opening-Wedge Distal Femoral Osteotomy Made Easy: Tips and Tricks (2023)
- Opening Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy (2016)
- Preoperative Symptom Duration Does Not Affect Outcomes After High Tibial Osteotomy (2022)
- Rates of Deep Venous Thrombosis after Osteotomy (2017)
- Return to Sport After Distal Femoral Osteotomy (2020)
- Return to Sport Following High Tibial Osteotomy With Concomitant Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation (2020)
- Return to Work Following Isolated Opening Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy (2021)
- The Role of Osteotomy in Joint Preservation (2015)
- Bioabsorbable Screw Fixation Outcomes for OCD (2024)
- Evaluation and Management of OCD (2011)
- Internal Fixation of Unstable OCD Lesions in Adolescents (2007)
- Management of OCD (2018)
- OCD in Children and Adolescents (2013)
- Overview of Osteochondritis Dissecans (2018)
- Surgical Management of OCD (2013)
- Surgical Outcomes of OCD Treatment (2009)
- Surgical Treatment Options for OCD of the Knee (2009)
- Treatment of an OCD Lesion with Calcium Phosphate (2013)
- Treatment of OCD with Osteochondral Allografts (2018)
- The Outcomes of the Treatment of OCD with Osteochondral Allografts (2018)
- Biomechanics of AMZ of the Tibial Tubercle (2005)
- Biomechanics of Anteriorization of the Tibial Tubercle (2008)
- Biomechanics of Resurfacing of the Patellofemoral Joint (2009)
- Lateral Translation of the Patella in MPFC Reconstruction: A Biomechanical Study of Three Approaches (2023)
- Management of First Time Patellar Instability (2015)
- Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Repair Versus Reconstruction (2019)
- Patellofemoral Problems (1999)
- Update on Managing Patellofemoral Cartilage Disease (2012)
- Anteromedial Tibial Tubercle Osteotomy (2011)
- Anteromedialization: Review and Technique (2007)
- Biomechanics of Straight Anteriorization of the Tibial Tubercle (2008)
- Biomechanical Study of High Tibial Osteotomy and Meniscal Transplants (2011)
- Proximal Tibial and Distal Femoral Osteotomies (2004)
- Tibial Tubercle Osteotomy Indications and Outcomes (2017)
- Tibial Tubercle Osteotomy: Indications, Techniques, Outcomes (2013)
- Use of a Lateral Offset Cast to Guide HTO Decision-Making (2003)
- Knee Dislocations (Multiligament Injuries) (1999)
- Mapping PCL Attachment Sites (2020)
- Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction (2008)
- Operative Treatment of First-Time Patellar Dislocations: A Systematic Review (2015)
- Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries (2006)
- Surgical Management of Knee Dislocations (2004)
- Abnormal MRI Findings in Asymptomatic NBA Players (2008)
- Allograft Reconstruction of the Extensor Tendons (2014)
- BMP and Implants in an Animal Model (1997)
- Case report: Retrieving a broken staple from the knee, 24 years later (2006)
- Clinical Perspectives on the Use of Allogenic Tissue Substitutes (2014)
- Cost and Research Funding (2015)
- Evaluation and Management of Tendinopathy (2019)
- Fixation Devices and Fixation of Soft Tissue to Bone (2016)
- Management of Subchondral Bone (2015)
- Measuring Treatment Outcomes in Elite Soccer Players (2018)
- Overview of Joint Chondrolysis (2011)
- Patients At Risk for Prolonged Opioid Use Following Elective Knee Arthroscopy (2020)
- Pulmonary Edema due to Epinephrine during Knee Arthroscopy (2003)
- Responsiveness of knee outcome measures in patients with focal articular cartilage defects (2010)
- Skin Closure Device Aids Wound Care in a Variety of Knee Procedures (2021)
- Suture Anchor vs. Transosseous Tunnel Technique Quadriceps Tendon Repair Outcomes (2023)
- Thermal Chondroplasty: Comparison of Monopolar to Bipolar Devices (2001)
- Thermal Chondroplasty for Treatment of Chondromalacia (2002)
- The Anterolateral Ligament As an Adjunct to ACL Reconstruction: Optimal Fixation Locations (2019)
- The Effects of Knee Position on XR Findings and Response to Biologic Treatment (2017)
- The Use of Caspascin for Managing Postoperative Pain and Effects on Cartilage and Rotator Cuff (2015)
- Training of Orthopedic Surgeons with the Use of Simulators (2014)
- Validation of Outcome Collection Tool in Orthopedics (2013)