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Published on: 24-Jul-2023

Already losing weight but want to see results quicker?   Try adding intermittent fasting (IF) to your weight loss regime.  

The idea behind intermittent dieting is to restrict when and how often you allow yourself to eat. These “eating windows” over time ultimately equate to an energy deficit, which results in weight loss. For example, if you adjust your eating schedule to either eating your first meal later or your last meal earlier, you will eat less in the long run. This would accelerate weight loss.    

Intermittent dieting is a helpful way to begin your weight loss journey or maintain your weight. When paired with regular exercise, it offers many benefits and can help you to achieve your body goals far faster.  

What You Need to Know About IF

Intermittent fasting may offer a range of health benefits that are not just limited to weight loss.   These benefits include:  

  • Improved metabolism
  • Slowing down aging
  • Extending lifespan
  • Cellular renewal
  • Regeneration of immune cells
  • Regulating gut microbiota
  • Protection against tissue injury
  • Promoting the death of cancer cells

This is partly due to your body having a prolonged opportunity to use its energy to regenerate itself, as opposed to digesting food. The goal here is to illustrate the efficacy of intermittent fasting for weight loss, even though there are numerous health benefits, too.   

The Weight Loss Timeline

Intermittent dieting can lead to gradual weight loss if you incorporate even a gentle restriction on your eating habits. Alternatively, if you wish to see more dramatic weight loss, then you need to restrict yourself more.   There are several different types of IF and the most popular for weight loss include:  

Alternate Day Fasting

Alternate between fasting and eating. On fasting days, you need to consume minimal calories. On non-fasting days, you can eat as usual. This is the easiest way to ensure you maintain a caloric deficit, and it is proven especially beneficial for anyone trying to lose belly fat.  

Intermittent Fasting

This type of fasting involves consuming calories intermittently. Examples of this are 20:4, 18:6, and 16:8. Ultimately, it’s up to you how long you want your fasting window to be.   A 20-hour fasting window leaves only 4 hours to eat, which many people find unsustainable long-term. The easiest option is fasting for 16 hours and eating for 8 hours. Typically, this is eating from 10 am until 6 pm, which most people would find achievable and sustainable.   If you want more dramatic weight loss results, then a gradual build-up to a longer fast is recommended to give your body time to adjust.  

Modified Fasting

Modified fasting involves eating whatever you choose on eating days and fasting for the entirety of your fasting days. For example, on Monday and Thursday, you could fast, and the rest of the week you’d eat as normal.  

Whichever option you choose, what you eat when you’re not fasting also plays a role in your weight loss. If you restrict your carbohydrate intake, you’ll lose weight faster overall than if you “stock up” on carbs, sugar, and other similar foods. Additionally, you can enhance your weight loss by taking supplements such as alpha-ketoglutarate that help to maintain a low body fat percentage. All these small changes add up to accelerated results.  

A Final Note

Accelerating your weight loss is achievable by following an intermittent diet. However, your focus should always be on creating life-long healthy habits. Be mindful whenever eating and remember that weight loss takes time. It is important to consult with your physician before starting a diet plan. And remember, it didn’t take a few days to gain the unwanted weight, so don’t expect it to take a few days to lose. Stay motivated and celebrate the wins along the way. Your body will thank you!

The post How Intermittent Diets Accelerate Weight Loss appeared first on Sports Medicine Weekly By Dr. Brian Cole.