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Published on: 23-Nov-2022

Improves Quality of Life

Good nutrition has multiple benefits, including improving the quality of life. Seniors who eat a balanced meal can enjoy good health which might lead to them living longer. A good diet has a good nutrition profile that comprises essential nutrients to help combat disease-causing toxins and also to possibly help boost your immunity.

Weight problems are common in old age because of a change in metabolism. Your digestive system might work slowly, which means energy gained from food is burned slowly, making the storage of fat occur more. Notably, some seniors may experience unexpected weight loss due to medical conditions.

Good nutrition and a workout may help to keep your weight under control. Furthermore, it might be able to assist your body in managing chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart diseases. Lack of essential nutrients may lead to nutrient-deficiency illnesses such as blindness, anemia, etc. Experts assert that a senior’s diet low in nutrients may also accelerate the aging process.

Some of the most important nutrients which are vital for a seniors include:


Iron plays an essential role in regulating body temperature. It is also found in hemoglobin, a vital protein in your blood cells that transports oxygen from the lungs to other tissue in your body. Some food sources include; spinach, kale, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, beets, asparagus cereals, poultry, pork, fish, meat, beans, and eggs.


Magnesium helps to boost the body’s immune response and improves nerve and muscle function. It also regulates blood pressure and has antioxidant properties. You can get magnesium from almonds, cashews, whole grains, spinach, peanuts, black beans, fortified breakfast cereals, peanut butter, dark chocolate, avocado, brown rice, banana, kidney beans, plain yogurt, salmon, chicken, apples, tofu, and broccoli.

Calcium and Vitamin D

Calcium-rich foods improve bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis and falls. Some food sources for calcium include leafy veggies, cheese, Greek yogurt, almonds, salmon, and leafy vegetables. On the other hand, vitamin D facilitates the absorption of calcium in the body. You can get vitamin D from tuna, mushrooms, cheese, beef liver, almond milk, and egg yolks.


Proteins are considered vital for building muscles, and are also important for cartilage and the skin. In addition, your body uses proteins to build and repair cells and tissues. Protein sources include turkey, egg whites, fish, chicken, pork, kidney beans, veggies, tofu, and peanut butter.

Fiber and Carbohydrates

Fiber is a non-digestible carbohydrate that helps lower cholesterol and regulates blood sugar. Due to nutrient deficiency, medications, and dehydration, constipation  which might become a problem as you get older. Fiber-rich foods include whole grains, apples, pears, berries, oatmeal, whole grains, and beans.

Health Care Savings

Some insurance providers have been known to reduce the premiums for clients who can demonstrate that they’ve made some effort to stay fit. However, this may be a marketing gimmick and may not apply to everybody. In old age, hitting the gym and pulling back on some diets can be challenging for most seniors. Don’t freak out because a simple brisk walk of 30 minutes daily can burn up to 100-200 calories. Along with a nutritious diet, it may do wonders for your health and could lead to health care savings.

When seeking a health insurance premium, you’ll likely want to shop for a suitable option. If you’re on Original Medicare and want to bump up your coverage, you may want to evaluate the pros and cons of medicare advantage plans, other insurance products and addons before you sign up. Of course, your health history could affect your plan’s monthly premium.

If your BMI is high, your provider may perceive you as at high risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and joint issues. Subsequently, you may require specialized treatments, medications, and costly procedures, which can lead to higher rates.

Makes You Feel Better

Having proper nutrition could help you feel better, which could boost your mood and self-esteem. Additionally, research suggests that some nutrients in protein-rich food contain serotonin, a feel-good hormone. Whole diets and proteins are usually associated with better mental health.

As you age, a regular workout is important for your health as it might prevent or delay certain health conditions that come with age. Exercise improves your balance, coordination, and it could strengthen the muscles. Some exercises you can engage in include water aerobics, yoga, Pilates, walking, and body weight workouts.

Final Thoughts

Aging starts at birth and may vary among individuals. Various factors can influence the aging process, including genetic changes and illnesses. The recommendation for an age-appropriate diet may vary in many ways, as this may depend on the individual. However, a healthy diet and regular exercise promote good health and improve the quality of life for seniors.

The post <strong>Importance Of Fitness and Nutrition for Seniors</strong> appeared first on Sports Medicine Weekly By Dr. Brian Cole.