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Published on: 28-Jun-2023

One in three adults suffers from high blood pressure, which makes this health condition a leading risk factor for heart disease and stroke. So, if you suffer from high blood pressure, it’s natural to wonder how exercise fits into your health journey. 

After all, physical activity is essential for maintaining overall well-being, promoting weight loss, and reducing stress. But what if you have hypertension? Is it safe to exercise when you have high blood pressure?

In this article, we’ll delve deeper into this critical question and explore the best ways to stay active without compromising your health. But first, let’s have a look at what it means to have high blood pressure and why this condition occurs.

Understanding High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure (also known as hypertension) occurs when the force exerted by blood on your artery walls is consistently too strong. Given that our arteries have the critical task of transporting blood all over our body, this heightened pressure can cause considerable harm to them. This may lead to serious health issues such as heart disease and stroke. So, how do lifestyle factors come into play? 

Well, poor dietary choices and insufficient physical activity can contribute heavily to the development and worsening of high blood pressure. For instance, consuming foods rich in sodium or unhealthy fats may elevate your hypertension risk. Conversely, participating in frequent exercise can assist in managing a healthy weight and enhance heart performance – ensuring your blood circulation works effectively.

To sum up, by embracing better practices such as being consistently active and consuming nutritious food, you are more likely to control your blood pressure and minimize the possible hazards connected to hypertension. But not any type of exercise will work for you.

Ask for Expert Advice

When it comes to managing high blood pressure and integrating exercise into your routine, consulting an expert is crucial. 

So before making any significant lifestyle changes or beginning a more intense training regimen, make an appointment with your doctor. They can evaluate your current health status, provide personalized recommendations, and possibly adjust medications if needed.

In addition to talking with your physician, consider seeking the advice of a physiotherapist. It may be a bit more expensive, but these professionals are uniquely equipped to understand how different exercises affect individuals with hypertension.

But try to choose a clinic where the staff uses specialized software to capture charges (like Updox Charge Capture) in order to avoid any delays related to billing lags or patient mismanagement. 

Administrative delays and errors happen in healthcare, especially if the cabinet or clinic uses paper to capture charges. So, try to avoid any additional reasons to get your blood pressure even higher by working with healthcare providers that make use of the latest technologies.

Exercise Guidelines to Keep in Mind

Now that you understand the importance of talking to experts and recognizing your limitations, let’s discuss some general exercise guidelines for individuals with hypertension:

Exercise Frequency

Aim for at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise on most days of the week. Consistency is key here; by maintaining a regular schedule, you’ll be more likely to experience long-term benefits in managing blood pressure.

Quick tip: make sure your sleep routine is also healthy and consistent. Good sleeping habits are important for regulating your blood pressure and staying physically active.

Intensity Levels

When choosing aerobic exercises, focus on moderate to vigorous-intensity activities such as brisk walking, jogging, or swimming. These types of activities can significantly improve cardiovascular health while keeping your heart rate within a safe range.

Make sure to start slow and gradually increase the intensity, as everyone’s fitness level can vary.

Incorporate Flexibility and Strength Training

Apart from aerobic exercises, also include flexibility and strength training workouts into your routine 2-3 times per week. These exercises will help build muscular strength and endurance while improving overall flexibility in joints and muscles.

Key Takeaway

Hypertension can feel like a pesky, uninvited guest at the party of life. However, with the right approach, that party doesn’t have to come to a crashing halt. By embracing exercise, staying vigilant about your progress, and always keeping in touch with healthcare professionals, you’ll be well-equipped to take charge of your high blood pressure and dance through life on the healthy side.

The post Is it Safe to Exercise When You Have High Blood Pressure?  appeared first on Sports Medicine Weekly By Dr. Brian Cole.