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Published on: 02-Nov-2022

As a walker or a runner, you demand a lot from your feet. From the moment you rise from bed in the morning till you sleep at night, your feet take a beating. You squeeze them into socks and shoes and hit them on the road for several daily steps.

Exercise is a good thing for keeping fit and healthy. However, people don’t often give their feet the care they deserve. When caring for the body, the feet are usually the farthest from people’s minds. Foot injuries can affect the overall quality of life. Here are seven tips for supporting your feet in return for the support they have been giving you. 

Take A Break from Shoes

Many people believe walking barefoot is not hygienic, and they miss a lot of good it will do to their feet walking without shoes. Walking barefoot is the most natural way of walking; it helps to build healthy foot arches, muscles, and tendons. 

Furthermore, it helps the mobility of the toes and allows them to spread out. It can also be sensational to walk barefoot on different terrains, such as sand, grass, forest floor, and pavement. 

Walking barefoot is an excellent form of natural foot massage. You also get to enjoy fresh air on those wonderful feet. Take it a duty to walk without shoes for some minutes every day. Take some steps on the ladder or stairs too. Try to walk barefoot for an extended period at least once a week and watch your feet grow strong and healthy. 

While you plan to walk barefoot, could you not do it at home? Walking the house barefoot may put you at risk of accidents and injury. Be conscious of the time you want to walk barefoot to prevent causing injury to your feet. 

Wear the Right Shoes

Ensure that you always wear the right shoes, whether running or not. Wear well-fit and comfortable shoes as you go on your runs. You can have different shoes to interchange for your runs during the week. A light pair of shoes can help you work on your speed, and a cushioned pair is ideal for your recovery runs. Avoid shoes that squeeze your toes. Run in shoes that have enough space for your toes so that they can easily spread.

In addition, you must understand that there are different foot strikes for walking and running. It is usually evident in their weight distributions. Shoes for walking often have one or two times the walker’s weight with each step, while runners use two to three times their weight with each step. 

When you are not running, you may want to wear other stylish shoes which are not healthy for your feet. Limit the time you wear heels if you can’t avoid them. Heels can shorten the foot’s muscular system and cause wrong forefoot alignment. You can keep a pair of comfortable shoes to make your feet relax anytime you wear heels. 

Wear Leather Shoes

Leather is a natural material with impeccable properties. The comfort and breathability you should enjoy in shoes should know no compromise. No other material can compete with leather in terms of flexibility, durability, and lack of effort in absorbing and releasing moisture.

Wear shoes with real leather or breathable microfiber lining. It creates good conditions for your feet and makes them less prone to sweat.

Wear Shoes That Fit

You have to be spot on. Don’t wear oversized or tight shoes. Wearing a shoe without proper fit can cause various problems for your feet. A tight shoe can bruise your toes, cause nerve pain and hammer toes, and other forms of defects. Also, oversized shoes will allow your feet too much freedom and make them slide around. Blisters can then appear on your feet due to friction caused by unnecessary movements of your feet. 

The only way is to wear a fit pair of shoes. Don’t be deceived into picking a tight pair of shoes only because someone tells you it will stretch. Only opt for comfortable and fit shoes. You can also have custom orthotics for your feet to help support and comfort your feet. 

Change Old Shoes

The shoes you run or walk in have a limited lifespan. With each step, you are breaking the tread, support, and cushioning. If you keep wearing worn-out shoes, you risk knee, leg, or foot pain and other injuries that may arise. Regularly check your shoes for wear and tear and replace damaged ones with new pairs. Don’t discard shoes you want to part ways with; rather, donate them to athletic stores or recycling centers. 

Choose the Right Socks

It is not enough to walk or run in the right shoes only. The right pair of socks is equally important. Don’t wear tight or sloppy socks. Wear a synthetic material or cotton blend that helps to remove sweat. 

Trim Your Toenails

Just as much as the feet, your toenails can also have an injury if not properly cared for. The toenails can take beatings from repeated contact to the side or front of your shoes. Under the toenails can become dark due to this reason.

Sometimes blood blisters can gather under the toenail, making it lift up and eventually fall off. To bring these effects to a minimum, always trim your toenails. Cut them low but not too short in the natural curved shape of your toe. 

Keep Your Feet Healthy

By now, you must have realized you need to always care for your feet consciously. Clean them in warm water, and don’t keep them there for long to keep them from drying out. Moisturize them daily with cream, petroleum jelly, or lotion. Avoid moisturizing in between your toes to prevent infection.

The post Walkers and Runners — Tips for Keeping Your Feet Healthy appeared first on Sports Medicine Weekly By Dr. Brian Cole.