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Published on: 14-Nov-2022

It’s easy for seniors to overlook the importance of regular exercise.  Physical inactivity and metabolic disorders can be caused by remaining sedentary throughout life. Senior citizens are especially at risk in this regard. Keeping an exercise routine and making it fun is important for older adults. Furthermore, long-term exercise offers numerous health benefits to older adults. Regular exercise is just as crucial as annual physicals, eye exams, and hearing tests to keep the senses sharp.

Let’s take a closer look at why regular exercise is essential for seniors.

Heart Health

Heart disease is a leading cause of death. According to the CDC, nearly one out of four deaths are caused by heart disease. The number of heart disease patients would decrease if more seniors exercised regularly. Blood pressure is regulated, and LDL cholesterol levels are reduced through exercise.

Diabetes Prevention

Obesity or type II diabetes are two diseases closely related to each other, and both are characterized by metabolic dysfunction of the body. Maintaining a healthy body weight, regulating blood glucose and insulin levels, and making the body more efficient can be achieved through exercise.

Reduced Depression

Seniors represent a large part of the population that suffers from depression and loneliness. Personal mood can be improved by exercising regularly. To help seniors struggling with depression and anxiety, it is beneficial to engage in regular exercise, particularly in groups. In the latter part of one’s life, a modest improvement in one’s depression symptoms can contribute to maintaining a greater sense of vitality overall. In addition, exercise can also help prevent the onset of negative feelings or thoughts associated with aging.

Cognitive Health

Alzheimer’s is a debilitating disease affecting millions of older people in the United States. The mental disorders classified as dementia encompass a wide range of problems that must be addressed to prevent this disease from becoming a severe issue. A prevention strategy that slows cognitive decline is exercise. Regular exercise reduced the risk of dementia by37 percent in older adults. To prevent mental disability later in life, adults should exercise to lower their risk of cognitive decline.

Insomnia Relief

Certain medications and events in one’s life can prevent the body from sleeping correctly. The body can be exhausted through increased physical activity so that it can sleep well and for an extended period. Strenuous exercise should be avoided two hours before bedtime. Exercising before bed may result in a more intense burst of energy, making it more difficult to fall asleep. Follow a regular exercise routine in the morning or at intervals throughout the day to get the best results in eliminating your insomnia.

Hypertension Avoidance

Physical activity of moderate intensity can significantly lower your systolic blood pressure from exercising regularly. Blood pressure can be reduced by breaking up training into three bouts of at least 10 minutes each throughout the day.

Regular exercise is essential for everyone. However, the benefits of regular workouts are crucial for seniors. Consider these benefits of regular exercise for seniors when planning your next workout.

The post <strong>Why Regular Exercise Is Crucial for Seniors</strong> appeared first on Sports Medicine Weekly By Dr. Brian Cole.