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Published on: 28-Oct-2022

Proper nutrition is vital for everyone, children and adults alike. People who follow good eating habits live longer and are less likely to develop life-threatening conditions, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.

Additionally, proper nutrition may help those who have chronic diseases in managing their condition and avoiding complications. Sadly, many adults suffer from nutrient deficiency, and it is a condition that will take time to correct, which is why it’s better to prevent it from happening than treat it. Here are a few tips for preventing this condition.

Drink Supplements

Eating the right food can provide you with the nutrients your body needs. However, we often can’t eat all the food needed to get these nutrients. It could be due to little to no access to these kinds of food, or you can’t afford to buy all the food your body needs. That’s why supplements are made. Drinking supplements could help you reach your body’s required daily nutrients. When you consume supplements, specifically quality greens supplements with healthy food and proper exercise, you’re going to get the most benefits.

Green powders are a good source of calcium, potassium, iodine, selenium, and many more. It also has a high concentration of vitamin C and Vitamin D. Although vitamin D is present in some food sources, it is still insufficient to meet your body’s needs.

Add Fiber to Your Diet

Fiber assists the body in consuming glucose in a more controlled manner to control appetite and blood sugar levels. For optimal health, adults and kids must have at least 25 to 35 grams of fiber daily, yet most Americans barely consume approximately 15 grams. You might consider adding fiber-rich food to your diet to stay healthy and prevent your body from experiencing a nutrient deficiency. Start consuming legumes, nuts, whole fruit and vegetables, and whole grains, as these are great sources of fiber.

Remember that dietary fiber is categorized into two types: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber can be broken down in the water and is the type of fiber that helps reduce your sugar levels and blood cholesterol. Insoluble fiber doesn’t dissolve in water and can aid digestion.

Eat Slowly and Chew Thoroughly

The kind of food you eat isn’t the only thing that will help you get proper nutrients. Even how you eat your food significantly impacts getting enough nutrients to ensure that your body needs it. Food broken down into smaller pieces makes it simpler for your body to absorb more nutrients from the food you consume, including vitamins and minerals.

Additional digestive enzymes are released while chewing. These aid in additional food breakdown to aid in digestion. Additionally, chewing causes the stomach to produce hydrochloric acid, which helps digestion by controlling pH levels to raise acidity levels and speed up food breakdown.

Spend Time Outdoors

If you have been spending more time indoors than outdoors, you should consider going out more often. Bathe yourself with the healthy morning sun to acquire your body’s daily dose of Vitamin D.

Even though you can acquire your daily requirement of Vitamin D through food sources, you will need to remember that there are only a few foods that are rich in Vitamin D. In fact, sunlight can provide you with the most Vitamin D that your body needs. Therefore, vitamin D is also referred to as “the sunshine vitamin” that can give our bodies various benefits.

Not only will spending time outside help you get your needed Vitamin D, but it will also provide you with fresh oxygen. Oxygen is a crucial but often overlooked nutrient. It is vital in nutrition as it acts as an electron acceptor during mitochondrial respiration, enabling adenosine triphosphate (ATP) formation via oxidative phosphorylation.

Learn Proper Food Pairing

Your body can absorb vitamins and antioxidants more effectively by strategically combining certain meals. If you consume some nutrients alone, your body won’t absorb them thoroughly. So, for your body to benefit the most from them, they must be combined with other nutrients. The result of pairing food to combine key nutrients is the interaction of these nutrients that triggers the chemical reaction required by our body for maximizing nutrient absorption.

The likelihood of the two nutrients combining and providing you with the potential advantages is decreased if you consume them separately since one may have already been digested and broken down when you consume the other.

Prevention Is Always Better Than Cure

A nutrient deficiency may lead to potentially serious health conditions; therefore, before your body lacks the needed nutrients to function properly, you must start taking care of it to prevent nutrient deficiency.