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Published on: 20-Jun-2023

Running is a popular sport and form of exercise that offers numerous physical and mental health benefits. From stress reduction to improved cardiovascular health, running has the potential to transform one’s overall well-being. One factor that plays a significant role in a runner’s performance, recovery, and overall well-being is nutrition.

However, as more people take up running, the demand for expert guidance on sports nutrition has grown. Sports nutritionists, equipped with specialized knowledge and skills, are well-positioned to help runners optimize their diets for peak performance.

This guide is targeted towards sports nutritionists who work with runners and aims to provide practical advice on crafting personalized nutrition plans that cater to the unique needs of these athletes.

Assessing the Runner’s Profile

Before designing a personalized nutrition plan for a runner, conducting a thorough assessment of the individual’s running goals and preferences is essential. This assessment should consider factors such as the runner’s current fitness level, target race distance, and the frequency and intensity of their training sessions. Additionally, a sports nutritionist should consider any dietary preferences or restrictions the runner may have, such as vegetarianism, veganism, or food allergies. Obtaining a sports nutrition certification can equip nutritionists with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively assess and address the unique needs of their athletic clients.

It is also crucial to analyze the runner’s training schedule and intensity, as these factors directly impact their nutritional requirements. For example, an athlete preparing for a marathon will have different caloric and macronutrient needs than someone training for a 5K race. A detailed knowledge of the runner’s training regimen will help develop a nutrition plan tailored to the individual’s specific goals and optimize their performance.

Understanding the Energy Demands of Running

A well-designed nutrition plan considers the energy systems involved in running and the caloric requirements based on distance and intensity. Running primarily relies on aerobic metabolism, which uses oxygen to convert carbohydrates, fats, and, to a lesser extent, proteins into energy. During high-intensity, short-duration efforts, such as sprinting, the anaerobic system also comes into play, generating energy without oxygen.

The energy demands of running vary depending on the runner’s weight, training intensity, and distance covered. Generally, longer and more intense training sessions are higher in caloric expenditure. Sports nutritionists should calculate the daily caloric requirements based on their training regimen, adjusting to training volume and intensity fluctuations. 

Macronutrient Breakdown for Runners

Understanding macronutrients’ role in supporting performance and recovery is crucial for runner nutrition plans to be effective. A primary fuel source for endurance activities such as distance running is carbohydrates. Muscles and the liver store them as glycogen and use them for energy during exercise. The consumption of carbohydrates before, during, and after training sessions can help runners maintain energy levels and support optimal performance.

Protein is another essential macronutrient for runners, as it plays a vital role in muscle repair and recovery. Runners should consume a diet rich in high-quality proteins, such as lean meats, fish, dairy, and plant-based sources like beans and legumes. This will ensure they have the building blocks to repair damaged muscle tissue and maintain lean body mass during intense training.

Fats, although less emphasized in the context of running, are necessary for long-term energy storage, hormone production, and nutrient absorption. Runners should consume a balanced diet with healthy fats from sources like avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil to support overall health and performance.

Nutrient Timing for Optimal Performance

One of the key components of a personalized nutrition plan for runners is the strategic timing of meals and snacks to maximize energy availability and promote recovery. Pre-run meals and snacks should balance carbohydrates and protein to fuel the runner’s workout, focusing on easily digestible sources to minimize gastrointestinal discomfort. Suitable pre-run meals include a banana with almond butter, a fruit and protein powder smoothie, or a bowl of oatmeal topped with berries and nuts.

During a run, especially for workouts lasting longer than 60 minutes, runners should consider consuming easily digestible carbohydrates to maintain energy levels and delay fatigue. Sports drinks, energy gels, and chews can provide a quick source of carbohydrates and electrolytes, helping athletes maintain their performance during prolonged training sessions or races.

Post-run recovery meals are crucial for replenishing glycogen stores, repairing muscle tissue, and rehydrating the body. Runners should consume carbohydrates and protein within 30 minutes to 2 hours after their workout. Suitable post-run meals include a turkey and avocado wrap, a Greek yogurt parfait with fruit and granola, or a recovery smoothie with fruits, vegetables, and a scoop of protein powder.

Hydration Strategies for Runners

Adequate hydration is essential for optimal running performance, as even mild dehydration can negatively impact an athlete’s endurance, speed, and concentration. Fluid intake guidelines for runners should consider factors such as sweat rate, climate, and the duration and intensity of the workout. Runners should strive to consume fluids before, during, and after training sessions to maintain proper hydration levels.

Electrolyte balance is also important for runners, as electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and magnesium are lost through sweat. Sports drinks or electrolyte tablets can help replace these essential minerals and prevent issues like muscle cramps and hyponatremia. Runners should learn to recognize the signs of dehydration, such as dark urine, dizziness, and a rapid heartbeat, and take steps to prevent it by adjusting their fluid and electrolyte intake accordingly.

Adjusting Nutrition for Different Training Phases

As runners progress through various training phases, their nutritional needs will change accordingly. During the base-building phase, runners should focus on establishing a strong nutritional foundation and consuming a well-balanced diet that supports increased training volume and recovery. As they enter the peak training phase, their caloric and macronutrient needs will likely increase, necessitating adjustments to their nutrition plan to sustain performance and prevent burnout.

In the weeks leading up to a race, runners will taper their training, gradually decreasing volume and intensity to promote recovery and prepare for the event. During this period, sports nutritionists should help clients adjust their nutrition plans to account for reduced energy expenditure while focusing on nutrient-dense foods and proper hydration.

Monitoring Progress and Adjusting the Nutrition Plan

Continuous monitoring and adjustment are essential components of a successful personalized nutrition plan. Sports nutritionists should track key performance indicators such as body composition, energy levels, and race times to gauge the nutrition plan’s effectiveness and identify improvement areas. Signs of over- or under-fueling, such as unexplained weight loss, sluggishness, or a decline in performance, should prompt a reevaluation of the runner’s nutrition strategy.

Sports nutritionists must adjust their nutrition plans based on data and stay in close communication with their clients to ensure they receive the optimal nutrients for their training, recovery, and performance.


Creating a personalized nutrition plan for runners involves a comprehensive assessment of the athlete’s goals, training regimen, and dietary preferences and a thorough understanding of the energy demands and macronutrient requirements associated with running. By incorporating strategies such as nutrient timing, hydration, supplementation, and adjustments for different training phases, sports nutritionists can help their clients optimize their performance and recovery.

The post How to Create a Personalized Nutrition Plan for Runners appeared first on Sports Medicine Weekly By Dr. Brian Cole.